Die Lücke Copyshop
Max Altenburg, Nina Berfelde, Valerie Göhring, Marcel Heise Valerie Ludwig
Xerox Printer, work table, light table, shelf, books, newspaper, tools, various material
Brücke Museum Berlin, 2022
The Lücke Copyshop is an artist-run copy shop as part of the exhibition „Whose expression“ at Brücke Musem Berlin which was questioning the works of the Bürcke-Artist concerning the colonial history of Germany. The installation occupies the exhibition space and uses it as a production site for DIY publications. Central to this work between performance, intervention, and research projects is a Xerox copier. Here, material from the institution‘s archives is combined with content from the artists‘ studios, newspaper articles, the museums' guestbooks, and objects found in and outside the museum.