Industrial Donut Machine, Wallpaper, Plastic Palm Trees, Photographs, Cardboardboxes, Wood Carvings, Cutter Knives, various Materials
A fully automatic doughnut machine produces doughy pieces and yet does not quite manage without human assistance. Photographs on the walls show mundane places of everyday wage labor, a mostly hidden part of an artists‘ life. FREE WIFI-FREE COFFEE-FREE WORK is the result of the artists Jonas Tröger, Ruben Bürgam, Marcel Heise, and Anna Wiget‘s collaborative examination of the conditions of artistic work. The boundaries between work and life are fluid (not only for artists): We move seemingly autonomously through the spheres of labor and fulfillment, between life and art. Work becomes performance, and the spectacle of the process becomes the actual work. Fried Donuts, wrapped packaging, gold-plated cutter knives - art objects, and utilitarian utensils are not subject to a hierarchy but become relics of undefined activities. Guy Debord‘s maxim „Ne travailez jamais“ [never work] seems badly aged. Together with Ruben Bürgam, Jonas Tröger, Anna Wiget